Seattle Public Schools

Culinary Services

Menus and About our Food

About Seattle Public Schools Menus and Food Selection



We welcome your feedback, menu and recipe suggestions. Please contact Culinary Services.

Breakfast and lunch is served each day in all Seattle schools.

  • A greater focus on fruits and vegetables at breakfast.
  • More whole-grain rich items.
  • Meals contain less sodium.

Please Note: *Menus are subject to change without notice. For the latest menu information, 联系你的学校行政部门,与学校的厨房经理联系.

June 2024

Food Allergies and Special Diet Requests

美国农业部儿童营养计划支持所有儿童获得健康膳食, including children with disabilities who have special dietary needs. Under the law, 残疾是一种严重限制主要生活活动的损害, which can include allergies and digestive conditions, 但不包括个人饮食偏好和电子邮件填写表格

If your child requires a special diet consideration, please complete the diet prescription form.

在确定残疾时,必须由持牌医生填写该表格, 或认可的医疗机构(RMA)在确定非致残性医疗状况时. For Diet Prescription purposes, a RMA includes a Licensed Physician, Doctor of Osteopathy, Licensed Physician’s Assistant, ARNP or Licensed Naturopathic Physician.

Special Programs

正规买足球的App有几个基于学校社区人口统计的特殊项目. Programs, such as Community Eligibility Provision, are intended to support vulnerable students and their families.


See list of CEP schools and learn more about CEP

在CEP学校就读的学生,家庭不需要提交免费或减价膳食申请. If families have students enrolled in other Seattle schools, 他们将需要完成一份申请,以确定这些学生的资格.

The Healthy, 2010年《买正规足球比赛的app》授权CEP在全国学校午餐和早餐计划中提供家庭应用的替代方案. CEP的目的是改善学生在符合条件的学校获得免费校餐的机会,并消除需要每年完成收入申请的家庭的负担. CEP在有限的几个州进行了为期三年的试点,从7月1日开始在全国范围内实施, 2014.

新鲜水果和蔬菜计划(FFVP)是美国农业部(USDA)资助的一项计划,该计划向小学的学生提供免费的新鲜水果和蔬菜,其中至少有50%的学生有资格获得免费或减价餐. 该方案的目的是增加儿童食用水果和蔬菜的种类和频率,并对他们终生的饮食习惯产生积极影响. 正规买足球的App营养服务部门获得了资金,通过FFVP在2019-20学年在7所学校提供上午或下午的新鲜水果或蔬菜小吃.

FFVP is offered at the following Elementary Sites:

  • Bailey Gatzert Elementary
  • Concord Elementary
  • Dunlap Elementary
  • Emerson Elementary
  • Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary
  • Van Asselt Elementary
  • Wing Luke Elementary

The Seattle Public Schools Nutrition Services & 健康教育部门合作为“华盛顿种植”开发材料, a Harvest of the Month program. Washington Grown highlights local produce, whole grains and dairy on a monthly basis in 35 schools in the district. 由于该项目重点介绍了华盛顿州种植的食物,因此制作的材料可转移到华盛顿州的各个地区.

For Families

Support our local farmers by buying lunch on the Washington Grown, Harvest of the Month menu days. We regularly serve foods grown within Washington State on our menu. 这个月的收获节只是我们推广该州农民的另一种方式. 看看现在的餐厅菜单,看看当地食物的数量. The key on the menu highlights the foods sourced locally.


  • Talk about upcoming Washington Grown, Harvest of the Month foods at home  – look up fun facts about each featured food
  • Serve Washington Grown, Harvest of the Month items at home -留意当地商店对这些时令食品的特别促销,让你的孩子参与到购物中来, selecting a recipe and preparing the foods at home.
  • Buy lunch on Washington Grown, Harvest of the Month days . If your children are not regular lunch participants, buying lunch on the Washington Grown, 本月收获日传递了一个信息,即你支持我们为学生提供华盛顿州种植的食物的努力.
Importance of Washington Grown – Harvest of the Month

西雅图学校致力于通过提供各种新鲜水果和蔬菜来促进终身健康的饮食习惯, whole grains and low-fat dairy products daily. Washington Grown supports local agriculture, seasonal eating and education about how foods are grown and produced.

Monthly Materials

One of the priorities of Washington Grown, our local harvest of the month program, is to link the cafeteria with the classroom. 学习有关食物的知识将刺激我们的孩子扩大味觉,并改变他们对食物的看法以及食物是如何生长的.

每个月食堂都会提供当地特色食品的材料. 然后,这些材料被展示在他们位于自助餐厅的月度收获公告板上. 营养教育包提供了关于特色项目的关键信息以及进一步探索每种水果的资源, vegetable, grain or dairy item, it incorporates hands-on activities, tools and ideas for open-ended exploration by students. The packet promotes mathematics, science, health, reading and gardening, all centered around the highlighted food. 它适用于教师,但也适用于任何向我们的学生教授营养教育的人.

  • September  (stone fruits)
  • October  (carrots)
  • November  (squash)
  • December  (beans & lentils)
  • January  (apples)
  • February  (dairy)
  • March  (grains)
  • April  (radishes)
  • May  (asparagus)
  • June  (fresh berries)
Washington Grown – Locally grown produce

SPS的烹饪服务部门与主要农产品供应商合作的历史悠久, Duck Delivery of Washington, Inc. 为学校的早餐、午餐和课后小吃项目采购当地种植的农产品. Based in Sumner, Duck Delivery is owned by United Salad Co., a family-owned produce distributor founded in 1940.

In 2007 United Salad Co., Duck Delivery Produce, Inc and Duck Delivery of Washington, Inc. became the first Food Alliance Certified Distributors in the United States. 这一认可遵循了严格的第三方审核,涵盖了各种行业和消费者关注的问题,包括保护, safe and fair working conditions, recycling, quality control, food safety and traceability of sustainably-grown products.

Pride Packing Co.总部位于华盛顿州瓦帕托,种植了3000多英亩的苹果和软果园. This subsidiary of United Salad Co. is recognized in the industry for state of the art operations. 李子、梨、整苹果和切苹果只是Pride Packing Co .种植的当地产品中的一小部分. and supplied by Duck Delivery of Washington, Inc. to the school district.


Farm: City

  • Bolthouse Farms: Prosser, WA
  • Carpinito Brothers: Kent, WA
  • Dickey Farms: Bingen, WA
  • Duckwall: Hood River, OR
  • Evans Fruit: Yakima, WA
  • Imperial Gardens: Wapato, WA
  • Inaba Farms: Wapato, WA
  • Pride Packing: Wapato, WA
  • Rainier Fruit: Yakima, WA
  • Ralph’s Greenhouse: Mt. Vernon, WA
  • Siri and Son: Clackamas, OR
  • Sterino Farms: Puyallup, WA
  • Valley Pride Farms: Mt. Vernon, WA
  • Washington Lettuce: Mt. Vernon, WA